Access during the University application process

A sign saying 'Accessible Route'
A sign saying 'Accessible Route'

General application

There will be opportunities during the online UCAS form and further in the university application process for you to state disabilities, conditions or SpLDs you may have. Don’t be worried that declaring a disability will hinder your application, this is absolutely not true; in the 2019 UCAS admissions round the acceptance rate for those with a declared disability was exactly the same as those without at 82%.
Some universities also have a form where you can detail your mitigating circumstances, e.g. at Cambridge there is the Extenuating Circumstances Form (ECF). This is not just for people with disabilities, but also if your education or home life has been significantly disrupted for any reason. These forms allow you to explain gaps in your education or performance, which helps universities to contextualise your application and appreciate the extra hard work you’ve put in to get there.

Admission exams

Some universities (Oxbridge) & certain courses (Medicine, Vet, some Law courses) will have admission exams. If you normally have exam access arrangements such as extra time, rest breaks, large text etc. these can be arranged for these tests, but you must let your college / assessment centre know in advance.


See Lucy’s experience of access arrangements during the application process for Cambridge here.